Hello, my name is Vinciane Maturana and I am a Training Advisor at the Collège de Paris Grand Est, at Eucléa Business School Strasbourg and at Akalis Mulhouse.
What would you like to tell us about your career?
I started with a BEP, a Professional Bac Secretariat and then I did a BTS Assistant Management SME (small and medium enterprises) and PMI (small and medium industries). Before landing here, I worked in a professional training funding organization (an OPCA, Joint Body Approved Collector, today OPCO) and it is there that I discovered all the actors, mechanisms, procedures, related to training. I was also a commercial assistant in training and training coordinator. The world of training is a bit my specialty!
What are the different missions/responsibilities of a training advisor?
My main mission is to accompany students from A to Z, from the moment they apply to us until the end of their training. It is especially a lot of administrative, whether for their application files, their research or their alternation files for example. I also accompany them in their schooling with course schedules, bulletins, evaluations etc. There is not a day when an alternate or a future candidate does not need help for something, information, support etc. It’s mainly my daily life.
What personal qualities and professional skills do you need?
For personal qualities I would say that you must be attentive and always available. For example, the alternates know that they can reach me whenever they need it, either in the evening or even on Sundays! In terms of professional skills, you should not be afraid of the administrative, have a great management capacity and know how to respond quickly to requests.
What do you think is Eucléa’s strength?
There are the courses, which are very comprehensive and taught by professionals but there are also the “next door”. Eucléa Business School regularly sets up (when the situation allows) activities related to sport or other, Afterworks, Masterclasses etc. These are good opportunities for our students to create real professional networks for their future.
Also and as I said, the speakers are real professionals and each have their own way of teaching. They know the job market, come from different backgrounds and have a job nearby, which is very professional and therefore a real plus for our students. I remember a day when a trainer started his course by doing a little meditation, I found it great! Another trainer, another day, even made me want to resume my studies in less than 5 minutes! I find it interesting to propose another pedagogy than the ordinary and monotonous interventions.
Do you have a story to tell us?
I resigned from my former position to be able to find and work with Laura and Valérie again. It was a real wish!
Do you have a particular passion?
I am passionate about racing and even more Formula 1 since my childhood! I’m starting my 21st year! It’s a very complete sport. Victory is only possible if a hundred details are perfectly aligned: from the mechanics of the car to the atmosphere in the team, the weather, the psychology of the driver to the macadam! You have to know all these things. It is also a sport full of emotions, always in the extreme: the joy of victory to the sadness of a defeat, the frustration of an accident or fear for a pilot.
Any final words for our readers?
Advice rather for my future CF colleagues: Do not forget that an advisor (era)s must be patient, available and attentive!