All our titles are Professional Certifications registered with the RNCP (Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles).
To start the admissions process, you can register directly via our website or by telephone, and take part in an admissions session.
During this session, you will be introduced to the school, take our admissions tests and take part in an individual motivation interview. The study of your profile also includes your academic record.
You will be contacted by our training consultants to find out whether or not you qualify.
Bachelors 1, 2 and 3 start in September, Ms 1 and 2 in October.
If you complete your year under a professionalization or apprenticeship contract, your company pays the tuition fees for your training.
For sandwich courses or initial training, you are responsible for your own tuition fees. To find out more about our prices, please contact us directly. To find out how you can finance your training, visit our Financing page.
Once your registration has been validated, our teams not only coach you in your search, but also position you on offers from our many partner companies.
For work-study programs, all our courses are available under professionalization or apprenticeship contracts.
Eucléa operates on a schedule of 2 days at school and 3 days on the job. Monday and Tuesday classes for B1, 2 and 3, Thursday and Friday for Ms.
You have until the start of the school year to find your work-study contract. Integration after the start of the school year will depend on available places and a reasonable pedagogical lead time.
Thanks to our international partnerships, you can spend a year abroad at one of the universities in our network.
If you live in France, all you have to do is come and take your tests at the school of your choice, just like a French student. If you live abroad, you must send us all the details of your application by e-mail to, so that we can decide on your profile. List of required documents :
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