Hello, my name is Natalia, I’m 32 and I’m a teaching assistant on the Reims campus.
What would you like to tell us about your career?
My background is pretty straightforward, I’d say. I’ve got two masters degrees, one in educational management and the other in business management and administration. I have a strong appetence for the educational sector and I have always occupied positions in public or private school establishments.
What are the different missions/responsibilities of a teaching assistant?
The missions of a teaching assistant are vast. They concern the recruitment, planning and monitoring of teaching staff, the school’s pedagogical management, and the animation of the school itself.
What personal qualities and professional skills do you need?
I’d say you have to be autonomous, responsible, able to make proposals and a good listener. And I’d also add a touch of madness!
Any advice for someone interested in becoming a teaching assistant?
If you like challenges, if you like working in a school on a human scale, and if you enjoy working closely with the teachers and students, go for it!
What do you think is Eucléa’s strength?
Pedagogically, it’s mainly the trust placed in us by our directors, their availability and complete autonomy in the management of our respective sites.
For our students, it’s our philosophy to remain a school on a human scale, with speakers who help our students through to graduation.
Do you have a particular passion?
I wouldn’t call it a passion, but every year I enjoy volunteering with APF France Handicap to accompany disabled people on vacation.
Any final words for our readers?
If you’re interested in working or joining Eucléa, don’t hesitate – you won’t regret it!