ChooseMyCompany awards its new label “HappyIndex®AtSchool” to graduate schools based on the study of student satisfaction. It inaugurates an unprecedented ranking that highlights campuses that make real efforts to concretely meet the essential expectations of their students.
To obtain the title, several criteria related to the quality of facilities, respect for the environment, academic education, student life, the strength of relationships with companies or confidence in the future must be met. Ranking scores are calculated using a 15-question questionnaire that is sent to students at a school who freely decide to answer.
The grades given to Eucléa Business School by the students show their wide satisfaction: they gave a score of 81% for confidence in the future, 75% for teaching and pedagogy or 65% for relations with companies. For the «learn everywhere» category (distance learning), 81% of students declare themselves satisfied, proof that the Strasbourg campus of Eucléa Business School has fully met the challenge of distancing!
For Collège de Paris schools, this HappyIndex®AtSchool certification attests to the quality of life within the various institutions. Our students are indeed very satisfied with their campuses, their speakers and their premises. 69% of them say they recommend Eucléa Business School to their friends!
This questionnaire also allows us to hear everyone’s comments and ideas to continue to make their living and working environment as pleasant as possible.